Plan miasta Tomczyn

Tomczyn - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Ch. 43 Sugar Industry - Early Days

Its always interesting to see who might be running an industry when the products are always harmful, and have no conceivable benefit. SUGAR INDUSTRY IN POLAND In chapter 38, we learned about what the Jews had done to Poland. b.../b
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Ch. 43 Sugar Industry - Early Days

Its always interesting to see who might be running an industry when the products are always harmful, and have no conceivable benefit. SUGAR INDUSTRY IN POLAND In chapter 38, we learned about what the Jews had done to Poland. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Ch. 43 Sugar Industry - Early Days

Kronenberg ("Tomczyn" and "Ostrowiec" sugar refineries). The following industrialists were active in Lodz: I. Poznanski (1833-1900), M. Silberstein, A. Gerszon, A. Likiernik, M. Elbinger, M. Zand, H. Konsztat, M. Szlosberg, A. ...
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